What Happens If Your Employer Takes Your Tips?

If you work in a tipped position -- like as a restaurant server, delivery driver -- you may have simply assumed that your employer has a right to collect or keep a portion of the tips you receive from customers. However, in some cases this behavior can lead to major civil consequences, and you could have the right to obtain your back pay (as well as damages) from your employer. Read on to learn more about the situations in which an employer is not permitted to take your tips, as well as what you can do if you feel you've been a victim of this practice. [Read More]

Six Ways To Locate Eyewitnesses To Help Prove Your Auto Accident Case

When you've been in an auto accident, physical evidence can help prove your case, but it's also helpful to have witnesses who saw what happened. This can be especially useful in finding a driver who fled the scene or in a case where the physical evidence isn't conclusive. You can help gather information from eyewitnesses from the following sources: Witnesses at the scene If you're able to talk to witnesses at the scene of your accident, make sure to get their contact information, including cell phone numbers. [Read More]

What You Need To Prove When Your Child Has Been Injured Due To Faulty Sports Equipment

Children are going to get hurt; they may even break a bone or need stitches when using sports equipment. Most of the time, the fault lies with the child. He or she may lose coordination, fall, or be mess around in a dangerous manner. Sometimes, the accident is due to a problem with a piece of equipment. When this happens, you have the right to expect the manufacturer, or assembling company, to pay for any medical expenses. [Read More]